Head down below, to a place beneath the surface. A place where time slows down, and sonic events unfold with subtle precision and startling intent. The Depths is a sound world that asks for your patience, but where you end up is worth the wait.
Listen as liquid drips & drops land on sluggish synth drones. Horns improvise saturated melodies while flying above you. Wind whips at your front and back. A contrabass tickles your feet. You are being drawn into The Depths...
A new multichannel sound composition & installation by Dave Shaff. Featuring musical excerpts from the album holistic management by Joel Reber.
Dave Shaff is an electronic music composer, trumpet player and director of Audium. Born and raised in a household full of strange sounds emanating from the basement (father & composer Stan Shaff the culprit), Dave gained an early appreciation of music and sound of all sorts. Dave has designed and performed three other multichannel compositions for Audium: Audium 10 (2017), Audium 11 (2019), and Sound Hour (2021).